Vote to Re-Elect Judge Jon Fredrickson on April 1st

Excellence on the Bench.
Proven Justice.

Judge Jon Fredrickson stands for justice, accountability, and the protection of our community. With over six years of experience on the bench, he is the strong, principled judge Racine County needs.

Vote to Re-Elect
Judge Jon Fredrickson
on April 1, 2025!

Judge Jon Fredrickson

Endorsed by
Fellow Judges, Law
Enforcement, and Racine
County Elected Officials

See Endorsements List

Excellence on the Bench . . .

  • Experienced & Fair
    Thousands of cases heard with integrity, fairness, and an unwavering commitment to justice.
  • Tough on Crime
    Fighting to keep our streets safe and our communities secure.
  • Protecting Our Children
    Committed to shielding our most vulnerable from dangerous sexual predators.
  • Upholding the Law
    Enforcing the law as written, without bias or political influence.
  • Sensitive to Victims Rights
    Ensuring that those harmed by crime receive the justice they deserve.
A Proven Judge
You Can Trust.

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